A righteous man was once asked to tell the story of the pivotal moment of his life, the moment in which he first began to apply the teachings of Islam, and the following was his answer: When I was a young man, I would not hesitate to perpetrate any sin that was made available to me. Then, one day, I.


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Allah said in Soorah Yunus: “Was there any town that believed [after seeing the punishment] and its faith [at the time] saved it [from the punishment], except the people of Yunus (Jonah). When they believed, We removed from them the torment of disgrace in the life of this world, and permitted the.


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Ibn Ishâq said that the Prophet Ayyub (Job) was Roman. His lineage was Ayyub Ibn Moos Ibn Razih Ibn ‛Ees ibn Ishaq Ibn Ibraheem (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them all). However, others said that his lineage was Ayyub ibn Moos ibn Ra‛ooeel ibn ‛Ees ibn Ishâq ibn Ya’qoob (.


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