When the time for Hajj would come, ‘Abdullah ibn Mubaarak (may Allah have mercy on him) would gather his friends from Marw, and they would say to him, "We will accompany you." He would say to them, "Bring your expense money." He then would take expense money from them for the trip and place that m.


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Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: A man from the children of Israel asked another to lend him one thousand Dinars. The second man required witnesses. The former replied: "Allah is sufficient as a witness." The second said:.


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In Al-Fawaaid Ad-daraaree, Al-Ajloonee related that Imam Bukhaaree (may Allah have mercy on him) once travelled by boat on a journey to seek out knowledge and that he had taken with him one-thousand dinaar. One of his fellow travellers ingratiated himself with Imam Bukharee, outwardly showing him lo.


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‛Abdullah, the nephew of Muslim bin Sa‛d said, "I wanted to make Hajj and before I left, my uncle gave me 10,000 dirhams saying, 'When you arrive at Al-Madinah, give this to the poorest household that you find over there.'" When I arrived at my destination, I asked the people to point me to t.


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It is related that a woman once went to the Prophet Dawood (David) (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and said to him, "O Prophet of Allah, is your Lord just or unjust?" Prophet Dawood (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Woe to you woman, indeed He is Most Just .


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This is the story concerning an-Najjaashee's refusal to surrender the Muslims in his land to the disbelievers from Quraish, and his refusal to accept gifts to bribe him to do that: Az-Zuhree may (Allah have mercy on him) said: "I had this hadeeth narrated by ‛Urwah ibn az-Zubayr (may Allah have.


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