During a battle in Constantinople (Istanbul), Al-Mughirah ibn ‛Abdur-Rahman ibn Ḥaarith ibn Hisham (may Allah have mercy on him) was injured in the eye. Al-Mughirah (may Allah have mercy on him) was a man who was known for his generosity, especially when it came to feeding his guests. It is r.


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The Mother of the Believers, Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her), was endowed with sound opinions and an intelligent mind, which were of great use on the day of Al-Ḥudaibiyah. When the Prophet (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) completed the affair of the agreement at Al-�.


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‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-Aziz (may Allah have mercy on him) had a servant named Dirham, who would gather wood for him and take care of his sheep. ‘Umar (may Allah have mercy on him) one day asked him, "What do the people say, O Dirham?" He said, "And what should they say - all of them are in a good.


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One of the Caliphs of al-Andalus, decided to build a castle for one of his wives in Qurtubah (Cordoba); however, the location on which he wanted to build the castle was neighbored by a small home that was inhabited by orphans under the patronage of the judge. The Caliph asked to buy that small ho.


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Once Al-Ḥajjaaj ibn Yusuf went to Makkah to perform ‛Umrah. He took along several bodyguards to protect him. After circumambulating the Ka‛bah, he came to the Maqaam Ibraheem (Station of Abraham) to perform two-units of prayer. As he stood to pray, his guards lay their swords, spears, lances a.


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A group of Muslims once came to the great scholar among Taabi'ee (those who met the companions - may Allah be pleased with them all) al-Ḥasan al-Baṣree (may Allah have mercy on him) seeking a Fatwa (verdict) to rebel against al-Ḥajjaaj, who was a tyrannical and evil ruler of his time. They .


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